Health providers which strive to continuously improve their services, require state of the art solutions for maintaining the mobility and accessibility of medical information. STATUS is an internet platform that enables doctors and medical health providers to interact with their patients and exchange information in a secure and friendly environment.
Discover how much power do you want to access.
Keep your patients files neatly organized and have an overview of their parameters at any time.
Get access to the full power of Status App. Bring everything in one single place.
Get access to the full power of Status App. Bring everything in one single place.
Discover the various benefits of STATUS for your clinic.
The Health Insurer owns complete control over the patients relationship with partner clinics. As all information comes to the insurer, including all appointments made for all partner clinics, the company has a great instrument for cash-flow forecast and is in a good position to plan for future activities and investments.
Digital Insurers are using new technologies to sign more policies, to reimburse their partners faster while reducing the cost of back-office operations and stay ahead of competition. They are creating unique customer experiences through new combinations of information and digital technologies. Innovative digital strategies uses high-tech products and processes to create new revenue.
With Status your Claims management and Fraud Detection department are able to get claims related information (lab results, medical images, visit records and prescription history) in digital form from the health service providers who digitally send the claims package for reimbursement.
STATUS is helping patients, doctors, hospitals and insurance companies.
Con l’attuazione dell’applicazione STATUS, la comunicazione con gli ospedali e le cliniche partner è diventata più efficace. Utilizzando l’applicazione, la clinica riceve molte informazioni sul possessore della polizza e sul tipo della sua assicurazione. Subito che i servizi sanitari vengono forniti, la clinica scannerizza tutti i documenti necessari che arrivano da noi automaticamente e in maniera sicura per convalida.
STATUS is a very fast and secure way for us to manage all aspects of document circulation between ourselves and different clinics and hospitals. We can receive and manage medical documents in the same app. thus saving a great deal of time and effort.